Ah! what terror shall be shaping | Quantus tremor est futurus, |
When the Judge the truth's undraping – | Quando Judex est venturus. |
Cats from every bag escaping! | Cuncta stricte discussurus. |
Now the trumpet's invocation | Tuba mirum spargens sonum |
Calls the dead to condemnation; | Per sepulchra regionem, |
All receive an invitation. | Coget omnes ante thronum. |
Death and Nature now are quaking, | Mors stupebit, et Natura, |
And the late lamented, waking, | Quum resurget creatura |
In their breezy shrouds are shaking. | Judicanti responsura. |
Lo! the Ledger's leaves are stirring, | Liber scriptus proferetur, |
And the Clerk, to them referring, | In quo totum continetur, |
Makes it awkward for the erring. | Unde mundus judicetur. |
When the Judge appears in session, | Judex ergo quum sedebit, |
We shall all attend confession, | Quicquid latet apparebit, |
Loudly preaching non-suppression. | Nil inultum remanebit. |
How shall I then make romances | Quid sum miser tunc dicturus, |
Mitigating circumstances? | Quem patronem rogaturus, |
Even the just must take their chances. | Quum vix justus sit securus? |
King whose majesty amazes, | Rex tremendæ majestatis, |
Save thou him who sings thy praises; | Qui salvandos salvas gratis; |
Fountain, quench my private blazes. | Salva me, Fons pietatis. |
Pray remember, sacred Saviour, | Recordare, Jesu pie, |
Mine the playful hand that gave your | Quod sum causa tuæ viæ; |
Death-blow. Pardon such behavior. | Ne me perdas illa die. |
Seeking me, fatigue assailed thee, | Quærens me sedisti lassus |
Calvary's outlook naught availed thee; | Redemisti crucem passus, |
Now 'twere cruel if I failed thee. | Tantus labor non sit cassus. |
Righteous judge and learnèd brother, | Juste Judex ultionis, |
Pray thy prejudices smother | Donum fac remissionis |
Ere we meet to try each other. | Ante diem rationis. |
Sighs of guilt my conscience gushes, | Ingemisco tanquam reus, |
And my face vermilion flushes; | Culpa rubet vultus meus; |
Spare me for my pretty blushes. | Supplicanti parce, Deus. |
Thief and harlot, when repenting, | Qui Mariam absolvisti, |
Thou forgavest – complimenting | Et latronem exaudisti, |
Me with sign of like relenting. | Mihi quoque spem dedisti. |
If too bold is my petition | Preces meæ non sunt dignæ, |
I'll receive with due submission | Sed to bonus fac benigne |
My dismissal – from perdition. | Ne perenni cremer igne. |
When thy sheep thou hast selected | Inter oves locum præsta. |
From the goats, may I, respected, | Et ab hædis me sequestra, |
Stand amongst them undetected. | Statuens in parte dextra. |
When offenders are indited, | Confutatis maledictis, |
And with trial-flames ignited, | Flammis acribus addictis, |
Elsewhere I'll attend if cited. | Voca me cum benedictis. |
Ashen-hearted, prone and prayerful, | Oro supplex et acclinis, |
When of death I see the air full, | Cor contritum quasi cinis; |
Lest I perish too be careful. | Gere curam mei finis. |
On that day of lamentation, | Lacrymosa dies illa |
When, to enjoy the conflagration, | Qua resurget et favilla, |
Men come forth, O be not cruel: | Judicandus homo reus, |
Spare me, Lord – make them thy fuel. | Huic ergo parce, Deus! |
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