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Hall of Fame
HPL's choices of some of the most well-phrased poems of all time.

Before the "real" poets, don't miss one of today's most significant poems – OK, it's a song.  As always, songwriters are certainly our most socially significant poets.
See this (with video) or you'll be sorry:
John McCutcheonJohn McCutcheon
Christmas in the Trenches

Robert Browning
My Last Duchess

Emily Dickinson
There's a certain
slant of light

Rita Dove

T.S. Eliot
The Journey
of the Magi

Robert Frost
Mending wall

Thomas Hardy
The Darkling Thrush

Seamus Heaney
Electric Light

Anthony Hecht
Sarabande on attaining
the age of 77

John Keats
Ode on a Grecian Urn

Rudyard Kipling

Louis MacNeice

Claude McKay
White House

Howard Nemerov
Landscape with

Wilfred Owen
Sonnet –
On Seeing...

Ezra Pound
Ballad of
the Goodly Fere

Carl Sandburg

William Shakespeare
When in disgrace
with fortune

Wallace Stevens
Sunday Morning

Francis Thompson
The Hound Of Heaven

W.B. Yeats
The Second Coming