Lynette Roberts 1909-1995"The Shadow Remains" (1944)
To speak of everyday things with ease
And arrest the mind to a simpler world
Where living tables are stripped of a cloth;
Of wood on which I washed, sat at peace:
Cooked duck, shot on an evening in peacock cold:
Studied awhile: wrote: baked bread for us both.
But here by the hearth with leisured grace
I prefer to speak of the vulgar clock that drips
With the falling of rain: woodbine tips, and yarrow
Spills, lamp, packet of salt, and twopence of mace
That sit on the shelf edged with a metal strip,
And below, brazier fire that burns our sorrow,
Dries weeping socks above on the rack: that knew
Two angels pinned to the wall – again two.
© Lynette Roberts