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Cities in the Sea
December 2009 Building in the ocean.Abstract: You know how you sometimes receive a thought from someone – perhaps a teacher, a writer, or a friend – that opens the floodgates of new thought within your own mind? It was like that when I took a course, many years ago, with the intriguing title, "Fluvial Geomorphology." Meaning, "the physical movement and effects of rivers." More than anything else in the course, I remember the instructor showing a diagram of a river running through a valley: "Here are the banks of the river; here is the '100-year floodplain', and here's the high ground where flooding from the river should not be a problem." He asked: What would you define as the river? And here came the awakening thought: The answer is, "the flood plain". The flood plain is the river. The river owns its historic course and extent; if it has been there before, it will be there again. The thousands of houses that have been built in the flood plain have been built in the river! And building houses in the river is fairly dumb. Let's ask the same question of the ocean: What are its boundaries? And just as with the river, we can answer: the boundaries of the ocean are where the ocean has been. The ocean, like the river, says, "I'll be bahk!" For the principle is the same: The ocean also seeks its old haunts. It also rises and falls. Like the river, the ocean comes home. Over the past two million years, the ocean has risen and fallen in opposition to the building and melting of glaciers – it has been higher than at present, and it will undoubtedly continue to rise and fall in the future. As many as thirty times during that period, the transfer of ocean water into ice in huge continental glaciers has lowered the ocean. Then, each time the climate warmed and a glacial period ended, the sea filled and rose, sometimes hundreds of meters higher than the present sea level.
And now the sea is rising again, as the remnants of the last great glaciers, covering Greenland and Antarctica, are melting. We didn't know all that some hundreds of years ago, when we built our great cities on our coasts. We didn't know what we now know: That we have built our cities in the ocean.
What drives the sea level?
Warmer temperatures affect the sea level in two ways: First, contact with warm air heats the water, which expands. Second, warm air hastens melting of continental ice. The Antarctic ice cap, where the average annual temperature is around -35° F, is not in danger of melting any time soon, though some of it will. The Greenland ice cap, on the other hand, is melting at a significant rate. If it all melts, it could contribute about 23 feet to the sea level. The rate of melting of the Greenland ice cap is of great interest to city managers trying to adapt to changes in the sea level.
We see that the past million years has been the coldest period in the last 450 million years. The world's temperatures today are well below historical average temperatures. The sea level tracks temperature, so the current sea level is also historically low. During the past 30-40 million years, we've been in a glacial period, and over the past several million years the glaciers have pulsated with an uneven rhythm of some 100,000 years. Right now we're between major glaciations – the most recent major glaciers began to withdraw some 20,000 years ago. What we don't know is whether the natural cycle will now take us back into a major glaciation, covering North America and northern Europe again with glaciers, or whether we're on our way out of the glacial period, in which case the remaining glaciers (mainly Antarctica and Greenland) will melt off and the sea will undergo a major rise. The third, and most comfortable, possibility is that our current relative warm spell in this glacial period will continue for a few thousand years more. But, of course, we don't know that either. What we do know is that we are currently in a warming spell of unknown duration, and the sea is rising.
The real problem.
Cities at risk.
In many parts of the world, not only is the sea rising, the land is sinking to meet it, which increases the rate of sea level rise relative to the land, and thereby increases the hazard. In the northern hemisphere, and in southern South America, the great weight of the deep glaciers of the last glaciation period depressed the land. Imagine a bowl of bread dough, where if you press down on one side of the dough, the other side bulges up. The principle is the same with continental crust, and is called "isostasy." When the glaciers depressed the land in one place, the nearby ice-free land rose, like the dough in the bowl. And now that the glaciers have largely receded, their great weight is removed from the once-glaciated lands, so these are rising to their earlier level, while the neighboring lands that rose are now sinking to their original level, under the isostatic principle. So in the US, the south-east Atlantic coast, Florida, and the Gulf coast – which rose as glaciers depressed the northern lands – are now sinking. In Europe, most of southern Europe, with France and southern England are subsiding. In South America, the south coast of Brazil, including Rio de Janeiro, is settling. Since these places are sinking, meeting the rising sea, they have to deal with the extra difficulty of more rapid relative sea level change.
One recent study of the susceptibility of coastal US cities to flooding from the rising sea has been done by "Architecture 2030." Their study constructed flooding maps of 31 coastal cities, towns, and areas in the US at various sea levels. Go here to see the dramatic results: "Nation Under Siege." In short, they found that dozens of US coastal cities, and millions of inhabitants, could be seriously impacted by rising sea level in this century. The most serious impacts would be in Florida and the Gulf states, but no coastal city is immune. ![]() Cape Coral, FL, pop. 102,286. This will nearly all be under water after a 1.25m (4 feet) S/L rise. The sea level rise will not be uniform throughout the world. New York and adjoining New Jersey, for example, may be especially at risk: a rate of sea level rise up to twice the world average is expected there, due to a local combination of ocean currents, tides, and gravitation. The area may also find Newark Airport unusable at as little as one meter of sea level rise. We need to realize that flooding will occur long before the sea level actually reaches the streets of the city. A rise of one meter will greatly increase the number of flooding events from tides and storm surges in coastal cities. Most of the major world cities hit worst by a rising ocean will not be in the US. In Europe, cities of the Netherlands, such as Amsterdam and Rotterdam, lying below sea level, are already struggling against the recent few inches of rising sea. London is concerned about the danger from storm surges advancing up the Thames from violent North Sea storms. And Venice is sinking ("isostasy" - the bread dough effect again) to meet the rising waters of the Mediterranean. But the greatest crises from the rising sea will come in the coastal cities of southern Asia. There, at the top of everyone's list of disasters-waiting-to-happen is Bangladesh. Dhaka, the capital, is the world's most densely populated city and also one of the largest and fastest growing, with a current metropolitan area population of more than 12 million. Dhaka has a long history of flooding and damage both from two major rivers (Ganges and Brahmaputra) and from cyclonic storms. In 1970, the "Bohla" cyclone killed upwards of 500,000 people in the region.
Very many other Asian countries rightly fear the rising tide. Many have cities that lie less than two meters above the sea. And many, like Bangladesh, are poorly equipped financially and technically to take meaningful measures against flooding.
And not only flooding . . . One of the most serious problems that must be addressed by coastal cities is the higher and more severe wave action that will be expected as the sea rises. First, the higher base sea level will elevate the wave tops, and may overtop protections built for a lower sea, and second, the sea's warmer temperature is expected to bring more frequent and more severe storms. Harbor structures will take an increased beating with rising seas, breakwaters will be less effective, and coastal erosion will increase. A special hazard is the storm surge, a large-area mound of higher water driven by storm force winds and exacerbated by the low barometric pressure of the storm. When a storm surge coincides with high tide, unexpectedly high and violent water can result. For cities located in a narrow inlet or on a river, such as Dhaka, London, or New York, a bore reminiscent of a tsunami may form in the inlet or river as the surge moves inshore. A more prosaic, yet critical, problem is the city's storm sewers. These drain by gravity, and typically exit near the high water mark. A relatively small rise in the sea level may be enough to cause backups.
How should cities respond?
How are cities responding?
The future of Dhaka, on the other hand, looks bleak. Without a stout infrastructure or resources, the only choice for meeting the rising tide will be relocation of the coastal population. The city itself is a worse problem, but to date no serious planning seems to be underway for what may come. A river barrier is a theoretical mitigation, but the cost appears prohibitive without massive international aid. According to UN's "State of the World's Cities 2008/9," more than 3000 coastal cities are in danger of serious or catastrophic damage and loss of life from the rising sea level. In developed states, planning is well underway for at least the initial stages of sea level rise, though the resources may be lacking for the most ambitious construction projects. In less developed states in Asia, Africa, and South America, as a rule they will not be able to find resources on their own to save their cities into the next century. They will need financial assistance in the form of grants, and this must be internationally coordinated, perhaps by the UN. In any case, if warming continues through this and the next centuries, no coastal city can be maintained where it is. They are in the sea. A personal conclusion: The world-wide cooperation needed to secure even a temporary respite from the rising sea will require resources that are not currently available. At the same time, massive economic resources are used by nearly all countries in arming themselves against their neighbors. I see our only reasonable hope for success in a "consilience" of the environmental battle and demilitarization. Shifting the resources now uselessly spent on preparing to fight each other to the cooperative venture of living successfully with our planet will give humanity a better future on all counts. So: Climate change is not an environmental crisis; it's just environmental change. But it is a human crisis.
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